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A recurrent pandemic with unpredictable viral nature has implied the need for a rapid diagnostic technology to facilitate timely and appropriate countermeasures against viral infections. In this study, conductive polymer-based nanoparticles have been developed as a tool for rapid diagnosis of influenza A (H1N1) virus. The distinctive property of a conductive polymer that transduces stimulus to respond, enabled immediate optical signal processing for the specific recognition of H1N1 virus. Conductive poly(aniline-co-pyrrole)-encapsulated polymeric vesicles, functionalized with peptides, were fabricated for the specific recognition of H1N1 virus. The low solubility of conductive polymers was successfully improved by employing vesicles consisting of amphiphilic copolymers, facilitating the viral titer-dependent production of the optical response. The optical response of the detection system to the binding event with H1N1, a mechanical stimulation, was extensively analyzed and provided concordant information on viral titers of H1N1 virus in 15 min. The specificity toward the H1N1 virus was experimentally demonstrated via a negative optical response against the control group, H3N2. Therefore, the designed system that transduces the optical response to the target-specific binding can be a rapid tool for the diagnosis of H1N1.
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