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Direct imaging and mechanism study of C6 α-olefin adsorption on faujasite and Linde Type A zeolites

Ruihan Yang1Xiao Chen2Junxiang Ma3Yuan Gao3Yujun Wang1( )Guangsheng Luo1
State Key Lab of Chemical Engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
Beijing Key Laboratory of Green Chemical Reaction Engineering and Technology, Department of Chemical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
Lu’an Chemical Group CO., LTD., Changzhi046299, China
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The development of integrated differential phase-contrast scanning transmission electron microscopyhas made it possible to directly image guest components adsorption in a zeolite lattice. This technique,combined with density functional theory calculations and experiments, provides a new insight of theadsorption behavior and selective adsorption mechanism of α-olefin/paraffin separation on zeolites.


Linear α-olefins are important chemical raw materials. To purify α-olefins from a high-temperature Fischer–Tropsch synthetic oil, it is necessary to separate the α-olefins from the paraffins, which is challenging. Adsorption separation by zeolites is a promising alternative to energy-intensive distillation for α-olefin/paraffin separation. An integrated differential phase-contrast scanning transmission electron microscopy (iDPC-STEM) technique is used in combination with density functional theory (DFT) simulations and batch adsorption experiments to study the adsorption behavior of C6 α-olefins and the mechanism of selective adsorption of C6 α-olefin/paraffin. Direct electron microscopy real-space imaging of the atomic frameworks of the faujasite (FAU) and Linde Type A (LTA) zeolites and the C6 α-olefin-adsorption positions on their lattices is achieved through iDPC-STEM. The images provide direct evidence that C6 α-olefins preferentially adsorb at the edges of the FAU and LTA zeolite cavities. DFT calculations further reveal the relationship between host–guest interactions and different molecular orientations. Calculated and experimental results also show that the presence of calcium cations can enhance the selectivity of zeolites for α-olefin/paraffin adsorption. This work provides a means to investigate the behavior of guest molecules and the host–guest interactions in the adsorption or catalytic process of nanoporous materials.



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Nano Research
Pages 5322-5330
Cite this article:
Yang R, Chen X, Ma J, et al. Direct imaging and mechanism study of C6 α-olefin adsorption on faujasite and Linde Type A zeolites. Nano Research, 2022, 15(6): 5322-5330.






Web of Science






Received: 05 November 2021
Revised: 14 December 2021
Accepted: 23 December 2021
Published: 15 March 2022
© Tsinghua University Press 2022