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An intelligent serological SERS test toward early-stage hepatocellular carcinoma diagnosis through ultrasensitive nanobiosensing

Ningtao Cheng1,§Bin Lou2,§Hongyang Wang1,3,4( )
State Key Laboratory of Oncogenes and Related Genes, Shanghai Cancer Institute, Renji Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai 200127, China
Department of Laboratory Medicine, the First Affiliated Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine, Hangzhou 310006, China
International Cooperation Laboratory on Signal Transduction, Eastern Hepatobiliary Surgery Hospital, Shanghai 200438, China
National Center for Liver Cancer, Shanghai 201805, China

§ Ningtao Cheng and Bin Lou contributed equally to this work.

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The constructed ultrasensitive nanobiosensing, based on a bimetallic nanoensembles-functionalizedSERS substrate, could be used to directly test a compendium of HCC-relevant biomolecules. Theproposed deep learning algorithm could obtain the key biomolecular phenotypes submerged withinspectra and the created intelligentserological SERS test could concurrently stratify the normal, HCC,cirrhosis, and hepatitis B populations at a predictive accuracy of 98.75%.


Early or very early detection of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is an effective means to resolve the low cure rates, but there currently lacks a method that fulfills clinical requirements. One of the most prospective approaches to detecting early-stage HCC is directly testing a compendium of disease-relevant biomolecules contained within human serum through surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) nanobiosensing and recognizing the biomolecular patterns. We report a novel Si-based bimetallic nanoensembles-functionalized SERS substrate (its analytical enhancement factor reaches 1.47 × 1012) and introduce an ultrasensitive nanobiosensing for capturing the subtle characteristic changes in SERS spectra caused by HCC, hepatitis B, or cirrhosis. Toward early diagnosis, we created an intelligent serological test with this nanobiosensing and the deep learning algorithm to gain key biomolecular phenotypes of early-stage HCC. Using clinical samples from four target populations (normal, HCC, cirrhosis, and hepatitis B), the proof-of-principle result indicates that the test yielded a predictive accuracy of 98.75% on a held-out dataset (randomly drew 4 out of 28 samples per population). On the same held-out dataset, the sensitivity and specificity of the test were both 100% for distinguishing HCC. Such a new-concept liquid biopsy could provide an opportunity for early diagnosis of HCC.



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Nano Research
Pages 5331-5339
Cite this article:
Cheng N, Lou B, Wang H. An intelligent serological SERS test toward early-stage hepatocellular carcinoma diagnosis through ultrasensitive nanobiosensing. Nano Research, 2022, 15(6): 5331-5339.






Web of Science






Received: 03 December 2021
Revised: 23 December 2021
Accepted: 27 December 2021
Published: 10 March 2022
© Tsinghua University Press 2022