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The hydrokinetic energy of river current, as one of the essential and widespread renewable energies, is difficult to be harvested in low flow velocity and shallow water areas. In this work, a three-dimensional (3D) fully-enclosed triboelectric nanogenerator (FE-TENG) with bionic fish-like structure for harvesting hydrokinetic energy is reported, which is comprised of the triboelectric power-generation unit, bionic fish-like structure and connection unit. Through the bionic structure, the FE-TENG realizes zero head power generation in shallow water with low flow velocity. What’s more, the effect of external excitations and bionic structures on the electrical performance are systematically studied in this work. The FE-TENG can generate peak power density of 7 and 0.36 W/m3 respectively under the simulated swing state with frequency of 1.25 Hz and simulated river current with flow velocity of 0.81 m/s. In practical applications, due to the 3D fully-enclosed design, the FE-TENG immersed in water for 35 days demonstrates excellent immersion durability with undiminished electrical performance. Therefore, the work proposes an efficient method realizing zero head power generation, and provides a good candidate for long-term service in the river current.
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