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Perovskite single-crystal arrays have attracted intensive attention because of their great potentials for integrated optoelectronic devices. However, the traditional top-down lithography strategy requires complex processing and is detrimental to perovskite crystal structures, which is incompatible to directly pattern perovskite single crystals. Herein, we report a lithography-free method to realize the controllable growth of perovskite single-crystal arrays. Through introducing a printed hydrophilic-hydrophobic substrate into the crystallization system, the MAPbCl3 single-crystal arrays with precise location and uniform size are effectively fabricated. This method can be applied to prepare diverse perovskite single-crystal arrays, including MAPbBr3, CsPbCl3, CsPbBr3, Cs3Cu2I5, Cs3Bi2I9, and (BA)2(MA)3Pb4I11. The perovskite single crystals can be selectively grown on the electrodes to fabricate ultraviolet photodetectors. The strategy demonstrates a facile approach to fabricate large-scale perovskite single-crystal arrays and opens a pathway to produce diverse perovskite optoelectronic devices.
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