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Chirality-dependent concentration boundaries of single-wall carbon nanotubes for photoluminescence characterization and applications

Shilong Li1,3Linhai Li1,2,3Xiaojun Wei1,2,3,4( )Weiya Zhou1,2,3,4Sishen Xie1,2,3,4Huaping Liu1,2,3,4( )
Beijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China
Department of Physical Science, and Center of Materials Science and Optoelectronics Engineering, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
Beijing Key Laboratory for Advanced Functional Materials and Structure Research, Beijing 100190, China
Songshan Lake Materials Laboratory, Dongguan 523808, China
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The measured photoluminescence (PL) intensity of single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) first increases to a maximum and then decreases with increasing concentration, and the concentration boundaries of SWCNTs corresponding to the maximum PL intensity are strongly dependent on their diameters and Types.


Increasing the concentration of single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) is an effective method for enhancing their luminescence intensity. However, an increase in the concentration of SWCNTs would inevitably increase their reabsorption effect, degrading their luminescence efficiency. Herein, we systematically investigated variations in the photoluminescence (PL) intensity of (6,5) single-chirality SWCNTs while increasing their concentration. The results show that the PL intensity first increased to a maximum and then decreased with increasing concentration. Numerical analysis indicates that the concentration boundary corresponding to the maximum PL intensity was strongly dependent on the ratio of the optical absorbances of the SWCNTs at their excitation and emission wavelengths. According to this, statistical analysis by experimentally measuring the optical absorption spectra of 18 kinds of single-chirality SWCNTs shows that the concentration boundaries of SWCNTs were dependent upon their Types and diameters. The concentration boundary of Type I SWCNTs was higher than that of Type II SWCNTs, and the concentration boundaries of both Types increased with increasing diameter. These results provide important guidance for spectral characterization and applications in bioimaging and photoelectronic devices.

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Nano Research
Pages 1820-1825
Cite this article:
Li S, Li L, Wei X, et al. Chirality-dependent concentration boundaries of single-wall carbon nanotubes for photoluminescence characterization and applications. Nano Research, 2023, 16(2): 1820-1825.






Web of Science






Received: 19 July 2022
Revised: 18 August 2022
Accepted: 24 August 2022
Published: 22 October 2022
© Tsinghua University Press 2022