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Understanding the stability and current-carrying capacity of graphene spintronic devices is key to their applications in graphene channel-based spin current sensors, spin-torque oscillators, and potential spin-integrated circuits. However, despite the demonstrated high current densities in exfoliated graphene, the current-carrying capacity of large-scale chemical vapor deposited (CVD) graphene is not established. Particularly, the grainy nature of chemical vapor deposited graphene and the presence of a tunnel barrier in CVD graphene spin devices pose questions about the stability of high current electrical spin injection. In this work, we observe that despite structural imperfections, CVD graphene sustains remarkably highest currents of 5.2 × 108 A/cm2, up to two orders higher than previously reported values in multilayer CVD graphene, with the capacity primarily dependent upon the sheet resistance of graphene. Furthermore, we notice a reversible regime, up to which CVD graphene can be operated without degradation with operating currents as high as 108 A/cm2, significantly high and durable over long time of operation with spin valve signals observed up to such high current densities. At the same time, the tunnel barrier resistance can be modified by the application of high currents. Our results demonstrate the robustness of large-scale CVD graphene and bring fresh insights for engineering and harnessing pure spin currents for innovative device applications.
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