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Free radicals induced ultra-rapid synthesis of N-doped carbon sphere catalyst with boosted pyrrolic N active sites for efficient acetylene hydrochlorination

Yuxiang Bao1Xiuhui Zheng1Jianlin Cao1Shuo Li4Yongxiao Tuo1Xiang Feng1()Mingyuan Zhu4Bin Dai3Chaohe Yang1De Chen1,2()
State Key Laboratory of Heavy Oil Processing, China University of Petroleum (East China), Qingdao 266580, China
Department of Chemical Engineering, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim 7491, Norway
School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering of Shihezi University, Shihezi 832000, China
College of Chemistry & Chemical Engineering of Yantai University, Yantai 264005, China
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The obtained non-metallic based nitrogen-doped carbon (U-NC) sphere catalyst via an innovative ultrasonic chemistry method achieved an outstanding space-time-yield of vinyl chloride monomer (VCM) in acetylene hydrochlorination.


Activated carbon-supported HgCl2 catalysts have seriously impeded the development of the polyvinyl chloride (PVC) industry due to the sublimation of Hg species and environmental pollution problems. Herein, the template-free and organic solvent-free strategy was devised to synthesize non-metallic based nitrogen-doped carbon (U-NC) sphere catalyst for acetylene hydrochlorination. This green strategy via ultrasonic chemistry initiates resin crosslinking reactions between aminophenol and formaldehyde resin by free radicals, leading to the ultra-rapid formation of U-NC with remarkably high pyrrolic N content in only 5 min. This U-NC catalyst exhibited an outstanding space-time-yield (1.6 gVCM·gcat−1·h−1), even comparable to the reported metallic catalyst. By combining kinetic analysis, advanced characterizations, and density functional theory, it is found that the amount of pyrrolic N is in linear with C2H2 conversion, and pyrrolic N in U-NC can effectively improve acetylene hydrochlorination performance by mediating HCl adsorption. This work sheds new light on rationally constructing metal-free catalyst for acetylene hydrochlorination.

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Nano Research
Pages 6178-6186
Cite this article:
Bao Y, Zheng X, Cao J, et al. Free radicals induced ultra-rapid synthesis of N-doped carbon sphere catalyst with boosted pyrrolic N active sites for efficient acetylene hydrochlorination. Nano Research, 2023, 16(5): 6178-6186.
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