Graphical Abstract

Advances in thin film light-emitting devices have fueled the rapid growth of a new class of solid-state lighting devices, featuring low fabrication cost, high quantum efficiency, and broadband spectrum coverage, etc. In contrast to the conventional inorganic semiconductors that rely on lattice matched high crystalline quality substrate, solution processable thin films eliminate the dependence on the substrate, which is highly desired for the ease and versatility of integrations with foreign medium. By taking this advantage, this work developed an ultracompact solution to control the directionality of thin film emitters using integrated dielectric metasurface through one step spin-coating process. As a proof of concept, directional emissions from perovskite nanocrystal thin film, including collimated light emissions and two-dimensional beam steering, are experimentally demonstrated. Notably, our approach, where light emitters were integrated on the back side of substrate after the fabrication of metasurface, judiciously avoids any potential degradation of material optical quality caused by the multi-step nanofabrication. Therefore, it can serve as a generalized scheme to engage the advantageous properties of dielectric metasurface, including the compactness, high efficiency, and beam controllability with the emerging thin film light-emitting diodes (LEDs), which is applicable to a wide range of solution processable materials, including organic light-emitting diodes, quantum-dot light emitting diodes, polymer LEDs, and perovskite LEDs, opening up new pathways to develop low-cost and ultra-compact solid state light sources with versatile beams characteristics.
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