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Two-dimensional van der Waals (2D vdW) magnets have attracted great attention recently and possess the unprecedented advantages of incorporating high-quality vdW heterostructures and homostructures into spintronic devices, and exploring various physical phenomena or technologies. Among them, Fe5GeTe2 (F5GT) has ferromagnetic order close to room temperature, however the magnetic properties near its intrinsic transitions and F5GT-based 2D devices remain mostly unexplored. Here, we systematically demonstrate the peculiar magnetic properties of Fe5GeTe2 nanoflakes near its intrinsic transition temperature (Tp) which is far lower than its Curie temperature (TC) of ~ 265 K, and firstly discover anomalous magnetoresistance effect in F5GT homo-junctions by magneto-transport measurements. The strongest anomalous Hall effect occurs around Tp which is located in a temperature range from 130 to 160 K for the F5GT nanoflakes with different thicknesses. Furthermore, negative magnetoresistance (N-MR) and butterfly-shaped magnetoresistance (B-MR) are observed in F5GT homo-junction devices, and they appeared only in an intermediate temperature range from 110 to 160 K, noticeably showing the maxima near the Tp rather than the lowest temperature. Our experimental results clearly reveal the significant influence of intrinsic transitions on magnetic properties of F5GT and magnetoresistance effect in F5GT homo-junction devices, which imply a new strategy to achieve high-performance 2D spintronic devices by tuning intrinsic magnetic or structural transitions in 2D vdW magnets.
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