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Electron transfer to direct oxidation of aqueous organics by perovskites

Tao Kong1Yuxian Wang1( )Shenning Liu1Ya Liu1,2Menghan Zhou1Bofeng Li1Xiaoguang Duan2Chunmao Chen1( )Shaobin Wang2( )
State Key Laboratory of Heavy Oil Processing, State Key Laboratory of Petroleum Pollution Control, China University of Petroleum (Beijing), Beijing 102249, China
School of Chemical Engineering and Advanced Materials, The University of Adelaide, Adelaide, SA 5005, Australia
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Ca-Mn-O perovskites were used for direct oxidation of phenolic pollutants without any extra oxidant. It was found that one-electron transfer process induced mineralization and polymerization reactions.


The residual of oxidant chemicals in advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) resulted in both economic cost and secondary pollution. Herein, we report a direct oxidation of phenolic pollutants induced by Ca-Mn-O perovskites without using an oxidant. Governed by one-electron transfer process (ETP) from the phenolics to the Ca-Mn-O perovskites, this direct oxidation proceeds in fast reaction kinetics with activation energy of 51.4 kJ/mol, which was comparable with those AOPs-based catalytic systems. Additionally, mineralization and polymerization reactions occurred on the Ca-Mn-O surface and ensured the complete removal of phenolics. The high spin state Mn(III) within Ca-Mn-O structure was the dominant active site for this ETP. The elongated axial Mn(III)–O bonds within the [MnO6] octahedron facilitated the acceptance of the electrons from the phenolics and thus promoted the initiation of the direct oxidation process. Mn(III) in the high spin state can also activate dissolved O2 to produce singlet oxygen (1O2) for a fast removal of phenolics. The mixed Mn(III)/Mn(IV) within Ca-Mn-O accelerated the ETP by enhancing the electrical conductivity. This efficient Ca-Mn-O-induced ETP for removal of organic contaminants casts off the dependence on external chemical and energy inputs and provides a sustainable approach for transforming the toxic organic pollutants into value-added polymers.

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Nano Research
Pages 6316-6325
Cite this article:
Kong T, Wang Y, Liu S, et al. Electron transfer to direct oxidation of aqueous organics by perovskites. Nano Research, 2023, 16(5): 6316-6325.
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Received: 25 September 2022
Revised: 17 November 2022
Accepted: 27 February 2023
Published: 25 March 2023
© Tsinghua University Press 2023