The field of neuromodulation has experienced significant advancements in the past decade, owing to breakthroughs in disciplines such as materials science, genetics, bioengineering, photonics, and beyond. The convergence of these fields has resulted in the development of nanotransducers, devices that harness the synergies of these diverse disciplines. These nanotransducers, essential for neuromodulation, often draw inspiration from energy conversion processes found in nature for their unique modalities. In this review, we will delve into the latest advancements in wireless neuromodulation facilitated by optical, magnetic, and mechanical nanotransducers. We will examine their working principles, properties, advantages, and limitations in comparison to current methods for deep brain neuromodulation, highlighting the impact of natural systems on their design and functionality. Additionally, we will underscore potential future directions, emphasizing how continued progress in materials science, neuroscience, and bioengineering might expand the horizons of what is achievable with nanotransducer-enabled neuromodulation.
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