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Review Article

Micro/nanoelectrode-based electrochemical methodology for single cell and organelle analysis

Chuchu Xu§De Yang§Yuchan WangRuolin LiuFan WangZhongqun TianKeke Hu( )
Department of Chemistry, College of Chemistry & Chemical Engineering, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361005, China

§ Chuchu Xu and De Yang contributed equally to this work.

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This paper summarizes the electrochemical methods based on micro/nanoelectrodes to detect chemical transmitters at/in single cells/organelles in the past four years.


Cells are the basic unit of life. Electrochemical analysis of single cells/organelles is essential for uncovering the molecular mechanisms of physiological and pathological processes that are difficult to elucidate on a larger scale. This paper provides an overview of the commonly used fabrication methods for micro/nanoelectrodes applied in the investigations of single cells/organelles as well as the corresponding electrochemical measurements over the last four years including extracellular measurement, combination of extra and intracellular measurement, intracellular reactive oxygen species and reactive nitrogen species (ROS/RNS) measurement, and isolated organelles measurement.



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Nano Research
Pages 196-206
Cite this article:
Xu C, Yang D, Wang Y, et al. Micro/nanoelectrode-based electrochemical methodology for single cell and organelle analysis. Nano Research, 2024, 17(1): 196-206.






Web of Science






Received: 11 May 2023
Revised: 11 September 2023
Accepted: 18 September 2023
Published: 03 November 2023
© Tsinghua University Press 2023