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Artificial optical microfingerprints for advanced anti-counterfeiting

Xueke Pang1,§Qiang Zhang2,§Jingyang Wang1Xin Jiang1Menglin Wu1Mingyue Cui1Zhixia Feng1Wenxin Xu1Bin Song1( )Yao He1 ( )
Suzhou Key Laboratory of Nanotechnology and Biomedicine, Institute of Functional Nano & Soft Materials & Collaborative Innovation Center of Suzhou Nano Science and Technology (NANO-CIC), Soochow University, Suzhou 215123, China
School of Sensing Science and Engineering, Shanghai Engineering Research Center for Intelligent Diagnosis and Treatment Instrument, School of Electronic Information and Electrical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China

§ Xueke Pang and Qiang Zhang contributed equally to this work.

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We present the artificial optical microfingerprints with physically unclonable functions, huge-encoding capacity algorithm, and reliable deep learning authentication for advanced anti-counterfeiting. Importantly, based on generative adversarial networks, the artificial optical microfingerprints can be highly resilient to machine learning attacks.


Artificial optical microfingerprints, known as physically unclonable functions (PUFs) offer a groundbreaking approach for anti-counterfeiting. However, these PUFs artificial optical microfingerprints suffer from a limited number of challenge-response pairs, making them vulnerable to machine learning (ML) attacks when additional error-correcting units are introduced. This study presents a pioneering demonstration of artificial optical microfingerprints that combine the advantages of PUFs, a large encoding capacity algorithm, and reliable deep learning authentication against ML attacks. Our approach utilizes the triple-mode PUFs, incorporating bright-field, multicolor fluorescence wrinkles, and the topography of surface enhanced Raman scattering in the mechanical and optical layers. Notably, the quaternary encoding of these PUFs artificial microfingerprints allows for an encoding capacity of 6.43 × 1024082 and achieves 100% deep learning recognition accuracy. Furthermore, the PUFs artificial optical microfingerprints exhibit high resilience against ML attacks, facilitated by generative adversarial networks (GAN) (with mean prediction accuracy of ~ 85.0%). The results of this study highlight the potential of utilizing up to three PUFs in conjunction with a GAN training system, paving the way for achieving encoded information that remains resilient to ML attacks.

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Nano Research
Pages 4371-4378
Cite this article:
Pang X, Zhang Q, Wang J, et al. Artificial optical microfingerprints for advanced anti-counterfeiting. Nano Research, 2024, 17(5): 4371-4378.






Web of Science






Received: 01 September 2023
Revised: 23 October 2023
Accepted: 17 November 2023
Published: 28 December 2023
© Tsinghua University Press 2023