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Dual-functional microneedle with programmatic regulation of macrophage for autoimmune psoriasis treatment

Ze Qiang Zhao1,2Bo Zhi Chen1,2 ()Jia Li Gan1,2Yun Hao Feng1,2Ling Liang1,2Lingyun Yu1,2Zi Yi Wang3,4Samin Abbaszadeh5Mohammad-Ali Shahbazi5,6,7()Ruixing Yu4()Xin Dong Guo1,2 ()
State Key Laboratory of Organic-Inorganic Composites, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing 100029, China
Beijing Laboratory of Biomedical Materials, College of Materials Science and Engineering, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing 100029, China
China-Japan Friendship Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College, Beijing 100029, China
Department of Dermatology, China-Japan Friendship Hospital, Beijing 100029, China
Department of Pharmaceutical Biomaterials, School of Pharmacy, Zanjan University of Medical Sciences, Zanjan 45139-56184, Iran
Department of Biomaterials and Biomedical Technology, University Medical Center Groningen, University of Groningen, Antonius Deusinglaan 1, 9713 AV Groningen, The Netherlands
W.J. Kolff Institute for Biomedical Engineering and Materials Science, University of Groningen, Antonius Deusinglaan 1, 9713 AV Groningen, The Netherlands
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A dual-functional microneedle array system composed of two distinct components induce M2 macrophage polarization simultaneously, rapidly, and for a prolonged period of time via dual subcutaneous lysis. This innovative system holds the potential to induce a robust anti-inflammatory response, effectively suppressing immune disorders and providing a promising therapeutic avenue for psoriasis treatment.


Modulating the immune microenvironment to establish sustained positive feedback within immune pathways represents a promising avenue for the treatment of autoimmunity. However, the precise and efficient delivery of therapeutic systems to the subcutaneous basal layer to modulate immune disorders is a major challenge in the treatment of autoimmune psoriasis. In this project, we introduce a dual-functional microneedle (DF-MN) designed to combine MNs with multiple release kinetics and immunotherapy, the programmed treatment is achieved through segmented design of the MN structure, realizing the unification of rapid and long-lasting treatment of autoimmune psoriasis. In vivo imaging results showed that GelMA@M-CSF showed fluorescent signals after 5 days of delivery to subcutaneous tissues, whereas HA@IL-13 showed minimal fluorescent signals after 2 days. The multistage release behavior of MNs and the diffusion mechanism of drugs were explained at the molecular level, in combination with coarse-grained molecular dynamics. Additionally, DF-MN can successfully induce macrophage reprogramming in vitro and ameliorate overall symptoms in a psoriasis mice model, suggesting that it has the potential to be an effective strategy for the treatment of psoriasis and portends to be a transformative platform for the treatment of other autoimmune diseases.

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Nano Research
Pages 7436-7448
Cite this article:
Zhao ZQ, Chen BZ, Gan JL, et al. Dual-functional microneedle with programmatic regulation of macrophage for autoimmune psoriasis treatment. Nano Research, 2024, 17(8): 7436-7448.
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