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Regulate the chemical property of the carbon nanospheres layer modified on the surface of sodium metal anode to achieve high-load battery

Chuang LiXueying ZhengMinghao SunFei TianDanni Lei( )Chengxin Wang( )
State Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Materials and Technologies, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou 510275, China
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The polar functional groups on the carbon materials influences the homogeneous plating/stripping process of Na metal. The polar functional groups on the surface of the carbon materials can be removed by plasma cleaning and hot evaporation of sodium metal.


The energy density of batteries can be increased by using high-load cathode material matched with sodium (Na) metal anode. However, the large polarization of the battery under such harsh conditions will promote the growth of Na dendrites and side reactions. Carbon materials are regarded as ideal modify layers on Na metal anode to regulate the Na+ plating/stripping behavior and inhibit the Na dendrites and side reactions due to their light weight, high stability and structural adjustability. However, commonly used carbon nanotubes and carbon nanofibers cannot enable these modified Na metal anodes to operate stably in full batteries with a high-load cathode (> 15 mg·cm−2). The most fundamental reason is that abundant polar functional groups on the surface bring serious side reactions and agglomerations lead to uneven Na+ flow. Here, a proof-of-concept study lies on fabrications of carbon nanospheres with small amount of polar functional groups and sodiophobic components on the surface of Na metal anode, which significantly enhances the uniformity of the Na+ plating/stripping. The assembled symmetric battery can cycle stability for 1300 h at 3 mA·cm−2/3 mAh·cm−2. The full battery with high-load Na3V2(PO4)3 (30 mg·cm−2) maintains a Coulombic efficiency of 99.7% after 100 cycles.

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Nano Research
Pages 9728-9736
Cite this article:
Li C, Zheng X, Sun M, et al. Regulate the chemical property of the carbon nanospheres layer modified on the surface of sodium metal anode to achieve high-load battery. Nano Research, 2024, 17(11): 9728-9736.






Web of Science






Received: 11 June 2024
Revised: 31 July 2024
Accepted: 05 August 2024
Published: 03 September 2024
© Tsinghua University Press 2024