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Review | Open Access

Structural phase relations in perovskite-structured BiFeO3based multiferroic compounds

Valdirlei Fernandes FREITAS*( )Gustavo Sanguino DIASOtávio Algusto PROTZEKDiogo Zampieri MONTANHERIgor Barbosa CATELLANIDaniel Matos SILVALuiz Fernando CÓTICAIvair Aparecido dos SANTOS
UEM—Universidade Estadual de Maringá, GDDM—Grupo de Desenvolvimento de Dispositivos Multifuncionais, Departamento de Física, Maringá, Brazil
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In this review, the state of the art in understanding the structural phase relations in perovskite-structured BiFeO3-based polycrystalline solid solutions is presented and discussed. Issues about the close relation between the structural phase and overall physical properties of the reviewed systems are pointed out and discussed. It is shown that, by adjusting the structural symmetric arrangement, the ferroelectric and magnetic properties of BiFeO3-based polycrystalline solid solutions can be tuned to find specific multifunctional applications. However, an intrinsic mechanism linking structural arrangement and physical properties cannot be identified, revealing that this subject still deserves further discussion and investigation.


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Journal of Advanced Ceramics
Pages 103-111
Cite this article:
FREITAS VF, DIAS GS, PROTZEK OA, et al. Structural phase relations in perovskite-structured BiFeO3based multiferroic compounds. Journal of Advanced Ceramics, 2013, 2(2): 103-111.








Web of Science






Received: 16 January 2013
Revised: 01 March 2013
Accepted: 02 March 2013
Published: 04 June 2013
© The author(s) 2013

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