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Research Article | Open Access

Tribological behaviors of turbofan seal couples from friction heat perspective under high-speed rubbing condition

Siyang GAOWeihai XUEDeli DUANShu LI( )
Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang 110016, China
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The tribological behaviors of two types of seal coatings, nickel–graphite and aluminum–hexagon-boron nitride (Ni–Cg and Al–hBN, respectively) versus a Ti–6Al–4V blade used in turbofan engines were investigated using a high-speed rubbing test. The wear status and damage mechanism of the friction couples were studied and the abradability of the seal coatings was evaluated. By analysis of the coating properties and damage mechanism of the seal couple, the friction heat effect was identified as the key factor influencing blade wear forms as well as coating abradability. A one-dimensional heat conduction model was established to estimate the effect of increasing temperature on the friction interface. The results indicated that in the Ni–Cg and Ti–6Al–4V seal couple, the temperature rising rate (TRR) of the Ti–6Al–4V blade was faster than that of the Ni–Cg coating, and so the Ti–6Al–4V blade softened earlier than the Ni–Cg coating, causing the blade to suffer severe wear. In the Al–hBN and Ti–6Al–4V seal couple, the TRR of the Ti–6Al–4V blade was slower than that of the Al–hBN coating, and so the Al–hBN coating softened first; thus, blade damage was reduced or even replaced by coating adhesion. The square root ratio of thermal diffusivity between the blade and the coating could be taken as an indicator of the ratio of TRR between the blade and coating to predict blade wear status as well as damage mechanism. The results of the model agreed well with the experiment results of the two seal couples used in this study.


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Pages 176-190
Cite this article:
GAO S, XUE W, DUAN D, et al. Tribological behaviors of turbofan seal couples from friction heat perspective under high-speed rubbing condition. Friction, 2016, 4(2): 176-190.








Web of Science






Received: 14 January 2016
Revised: 14 March 2016
Accepted: 12 May 2016
Published: 15 June 2016
© The author(s) 2016

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