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Research Article | Open Access

Effects of nano thickener deposited film on the behaviour of starvation and replenishment of lubricating greases

Lu HUANG1,2Dan GUO2( )Xiang LIU1,2Guoxin XIE2George T Y WAN2Shizhu WEN2
National Institute of Metrology, Beijing 100029, China
State Key Laboratory of Tribology, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100086, China
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The mechanism of grease replenishment in and around a starved point contact was studied in this work. Greases made of different thickeners and same base oil were tested and compared. Disappearing and re-formation of a dynamic grease reservoir during operation revealed that grease bled oil to replenish contact. However, the replenishment process was slow because of the presence of grease fingers along the track and thickener-deposited film inside the track. The contact angles of base oil on the chromium-coated surface and thickener-deposited surfaces were measured. Results proved that the contact angle on the deposited film remarkably increased compared with that on the chromium-coated surface from 25° to more than 40°. However, the deposited film could be consumed with continuous rolling, and replenishment was then enhanced.


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Pages 313-323
Cite this article:
HUANG L, GUO D, LIU X, et al. Effects of nano thickener deposited film on the behaviour of starvation and replenishment of lubricating greases. Friction, 2016, 4(4): 313-323.








Web of Science






Received: 02 March 2016
Revised: 06 June 2016
Accepted: 25 July 2016
Published: 23 December 2016
© The author(s) 2016

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