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Research Article | Open Access

Surface roughness measurements in NFMQL assisted turning of titanium alloys: An optimization approach

Munish K. GUPTA( )P. K. SOOD
MED, NIT, Hamirpur (H.P.) 177005, India
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The prediction and optimization of surface roughness values remain a critical concern in nano-fluids based minimum quantity lubrication (NFMQL) turning of titanium (grade-2) alloys. Here, we discuss an application of response surface methodology with Box–Cox transformation to determine the optimal cutting parameters for three surface roughness values, i.e., Ra, Rq, and Rz, in turning of titanium alloy under the NFMQL condition. The surface roughness prediction model has been established based on the selected input parameters such as cutting speed, feed rate, approach angle, and different nano-fluids used. Then the multiple regression technique is used to find the relationship between the given responses and input parameter. Further, the experimental data were optimized through the desirability function approach. The findings from the current investigation showed that feed rate is the most effective parameter followed by cutting speed, different nano-fluids, and approach angle on Ra and Rq values, whereas cutting speed is more effective in the case of Rz under NFMQL conditions. Moreover, the predicted results are comparatively near to the experimental values and hence, the established models of RSM using Box-Cox transformation can be used for prediction satisfactorily.


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Gupta M K, Sood P K, Sharma V S. Investigations on surface roughness measurement in minimum quantity lubrication turning of titanium alloys using response surface methodology and Box–Cox transformation. J Manuf Sci Product 16:7588(2016)
Pages 155-170
Cite this article:
GUPTA MK, SOOD PK. Surface roughness measurements in NFMQL assisted turning of titanium alloys: An optimization approach. Friction, 2017, 5(2): 155-170.








Web of Science






Received: 19 September 2016
Revised: 26 October 2016
Accepted: 11 December 2016
Published: 31 March 2017
© The author(s) 2017

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