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Tribological performance of novel nickel-based composite coatings with lubricant particles

Ignacio TUDELA1()Andrew J. COBLEY2Yi ZHANG1()
Daido Metal Co., Ltd. European Technical Centre UK, Research & Development Department, Winterhay lane, Ilminster TA19 9PH, United Kingdom
Functional Materials Research, Centre for Manufacturing and Materials Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Environment and Computing, Coventry University, Priory Street, Coventry CV1 5FB, United Kingdom
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The present study is focused on the evaluation of the tribological performance of novel Ni/hBN and Ni/WS2 composite coatings electrodeposited from an additive-free Watts bath with the assistance of ultrasound. Lubricated and non-lubricated scratch tests were performed on both novel composite coatings and on standard Ni deposits used as a benchmark coating to have an initial idea of the effect of the presence of particles within the Ni matrix. Under lubricated conditions, the performance of the Ni/hBN composite coating was very similar to the benchmark Ni coating, whereas the Ni/WS2 behaved quite differently, as the latter did not only show a lower coefficient of friction, but also prevented the occurrence of stick-slip motion that was clearly observed in the other coatings. Under non-lubricated conditions, whereas the tribological performance of the Ni/hBN composite coating was again very similar to that of the benchmark Ni coating, the Ni/WS2 composite coatings again showed a remarkable enhancement, as the incorporation of the WS2 particles into the Ni coating not only resulted in a lower coefficient of friction, but also in the prevention of coating failure.

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Pages 169-180
Cite this article:
TUDELA I, COBLEY AJ, ZHANG Y. Tribological performance of novel nickel-based composite coatings with lubricant particles. Friction, 2019, 7(2): 169-180. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40544-018-0211-0
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