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Research Article | Open Access

Friction predication on pin-to-plate interface of PTFE material and steel

Zhuming BI1,2( )Donald W. MUELLER1
Depatment of Civil and Mechnical Engineering, Purdue University Fort Wayne, Fort Wayne 2101E, USA
School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, GuangDong University of Technology, Guangzhou 510006, China
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In this paper, the friction behavior at a pin-to-plate interface is investigated. The pin and plate are made of Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) and steel, respectively, and there is a reciprocating motion at the interface. Governing mathematical models for the relations of design variables and frictions are investigated, and a general procedure is proposed to solve the developed models and predict the friction forces at the interface subjected to given test conditions. Novel models have been developed to represent intrigued friction behaviors affected by various factors such as pin geometrics and finishes, lubrication conditions, and reciprocating speed. The test data from experiments is used to verify the effectiveness of the proposed models.


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Pages 268-281
Cite this article:
BI Z, MUELLER DW. Friction predication on pin-to-plate interface of PTFE material and steel. Friction, 2019, 7(3): 268-281.








Web of Science






Received: 07 February 2018
Revised: 12 April 2018
Accepted: 26 May 2018
Published: 10 August 2018
© The author(s) 2018

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