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Research Article | Open Access

Combined effect of boundary layer formation and surface smoothing on friction and wear rate of lubricated point contacts during normal running-in processes

Yazhao ZHANGAlexander KOVALEVYonggang MENG( )
State Key Laboratory of Tribology, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
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The combined effect of boundary layer formation and surface smoothing on friction and wear rate of metallic surfaces under lubricated point contact condition was investigated. The double trend of friction coefficient variations was revealed during running-in and sub-running-in processes. The evolution of surface topography was measured on-site using white-light interference profilometer and analyzed using bearing area curves. Comprehensive theoretical equations that explicitly express the contributions of boundary friction, adhesive friction and wear have been derived, and results obtained by these equations were compared with experimental observations. It is concluded that the theoretical models are quantitatively adequate to describe the combined effect of surface smoothing due to mechanical wear and formation of boundary films on the changes in friction and wear rate during normal running-in processes.


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Pages 274-288
Cite this article:
ZHANG Y, KOVALEV A, MENG Y. Combined effect of boundary layer formation and surface smoothing on friction and wear rate of lubricated point contacts during normal running-in processes. Friction, 2018, 6(3): 274-288.








Web of Science






Received: 05 April 2018
Revised: 26 June 2018
Accepted: 29 June 2018
Published: 06 September 2018
© The author(s) 2018

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