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Research Article | Open Access

Motor oil condition evaluation based on on-board diagnostic system

Lei WEI1Haitao DUAN1Dan JIA1Yongliang JIN1Song CHEN1Lian LIU1Jianfang LIU1,2Xianming SUN1,3Jian LI1( )
 State Key Laboratory of Special Surface Protection Materials and Application Technology, Wuhan Research Institute of Materials Protection, Wuhan 430030, China
 College of Biological and Pharmaceutical Engineering, Wuhan Polytechnic University, Wuhan 430023, China
 School of Materials Science and Engineering, Wuhan Institute of Technology, Wuhan 430073, China
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The condition of the motor oil in civilian cars is difficult to monitor; hence, we propose a method to evaluate the degree of degradation of motor oil using an on-board diagnostic (OBD) system. Three civilian cars and four motor oils (containing mineral oils and synthetic oils) were subjected to five groups of road tests under urban traffic and high-way conditions. The operation information, oil service time, mileage, engine operation time, idle time of the engine, and number of start-ups of the engine were obtained using the proposed OBD system. Physiochemical properties and changes in the components of motor oils during road tests were analyzed in laboratory. The theoretical model of the comprehensive indicators of driving parameters and oil properties were established. The proposed method was successfully applied to different cars, motor oils, and operating conditions in road tests. All the theoretical models had high accuracy and precision. Herein, we provide a method to monitor the oil condition with real-time driving parameters and provide a reference for end users to change their motor oil reasonably.


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Pages 95-106
Cite this article:
WEI L, DUAN H, JIA D, et al. Motor oil condition evaluation based on on-board diagnostic system. Friction, 2020, 8(1): 95-106.








Web of Science






Received: 06 February 2018
Revised: 26 June 2018
Accepted: 22 September 2018
Published: 12 December 2018
© The author(s) 2018

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