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Research Article | Open Access

Synthesis and evaluation of a protic ionic liquid as a multifunctional lubricant additive

Cheng JIANG1,2Yanan WANG1,2Huaigang SU1,2Weimin LI1,2( )Wenjing LOU1,2( )Xiaobo WANG1,2
State Key Laboratory of Solid Lubrication, Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou 730000, China
Qingdao Center of Resource Chemistry & New Materials, Qingdao 266100, China
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An oil soluble multifunctional protic ionic liquid (IL) was synthesized and its tribological and antioxidant properties in poly alpha olefin (PAO4) were investigated. The tribological results demonstrated that the IL significantly reduced friction and wear of PAO4. The PAO4 blend with IL resulted in an induced oxidation time of 555 min which is 8.2 and 3.5 times higher than that of pure PAO4 and PAO4 with zinc dialkyl dithiophosphate (ZDDP) for the rotating pressure vessel oxidation test. It is likely that free nonylated diphenylamine acted as a radical scavenger to enhance antioxidant performance, while free bis(2-ethylhexyl) phosphate was more prone to adsorb and react with the metal surface to form a phosphorus-rich tribofilm in order to protect the rubbing surface.


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Pages 568-576
Cite this article:
JIANG C, WANG Y, SU H, et al. Synthesis and evaluation of a protic ionic liquid as a multifunctional lubricant additive. Friction, 2020, 8(3): 568-576.








Web of Science






Received: 19 October 2018
Revised: 24 January 2019
Accepted: 22 February 2019
Published: 08 April 2019
© The author(s) 2019

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