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Tribological behavior and microstructural evolution of lubricating film of silver matrix self-lubricating nanocomposite

Xiao KANG1Shuang YU2Hailin YANG1Yang SUN1Lei ZHANG1()
State Key Laboratory for Powder Metallurgy, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China
Shanghai Institute of Astronautical Systems Engineering, Shanghai 201108, China
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The aim of this study is to fabricate the nanocomposite with low friction and high wear resistance using binary solid lubricant particles. The microstructure and tribological performance of the nanocomposite are evaluated, and the composition and film thickness of the lubricating film are observed and analyzed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The nanocomposite exhibited improved tribological properties with a friction coefficient as low as 0.12 and a low wear rate of 2.17 × 10-6 mm3/(N·m) in high-purity nitrogen atmosphere. Decreasing sliding speed can increase lubricating film thickness, and the thickest lubricating film is approximately 125 nm. As the film thickness of the lubricating film exceeded 90 nm, the friction coefficient curves became smooth. In compared with WS2, MoS2 can be more effective in forming the transfer layer on the worn surfaces at the initial stage of the tribological process.


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Pages 941-951
Cite this article:
KANG X, YU S, YANG H, et al. Tribological behavior and microstructural evolution of lubricating film of silver matrix self-lubricating nanocomposite. Friction, 2021, 9(5): 941-951. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40544-020-0379-y
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