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Research Article | Open Access

Numerical prediction of the frictional losses in sliding bearings during start-stop operation

Florian KÖNIG( )Christopher SOUSGeorg JACOBS
Institute for Machine Elements and Systems Engineering, Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen University, Schinkelstraße 10, Aachen 52062, Germany
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With the increased use of automotive engine start-stop systems, the numerical prediction and reduction of frictional losses in sliding bearings during starting and stopping procedures has become an important issue. In engineering practice, numerical simulations of sliding bearings in automotive engines are performed with statistical asperity contact models with empirical values for the necessary surface parameters. The aim of this study is to elucidate the applicability of these approaches for the prediction of friction in sliding bearings subjected to start-stop operation. For this purpose, the friction performance of sliding bearings was investigated in experiments on a test rig and in transient mixed elasto-hydrodynamic simulations in a multi-body simulation environment (mixed-EHL/MBS). In mixed-EHL/MBS, the extended Reynold’s equation with flow factors according to Patir and Cheng has been combined on the one hand with the statistical asperity contact model according to Greenwood and Tripp and on the other hand with the deterministic asperity contact model according to Herbst. The detailed comparison of simulation and experimental results clarifies that the application of statistical asperity contact models with empirical values of the necessary inputs leads to large deviations between experiment and simulation. The actual distribution and position of surface roughness, as used in deterministic contact modelling, is necessary for a reliable prediction of the frictional losses in sliding bearings during start-stop operation.


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Pages 583-597
Cite this article:
KÖNIG F, SOUS C, JACOBS G. Numerical prediction of the frictional losses in sliding bearings during start-stop operation. Friction, 2021, 9(3): 583-597.








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Received: 25 January 2020
Revised: 15 April 2020
Accepted: 09 June 2020
Published: 01 December 2020
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