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A molecular dynamics study on the tribological behavior of molybdenum disulfide with grain boundary defects during scratching processes

Boyu WEI1Ning KONG1()Jie ZHANG1Hongbo LI1Zhenjun HONG1Hongtao ZHU2Yuan ZHUANG3Bo WANG3
School of Mechanical Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China
School of Mechanical, Materials & Mechatronics Engineering, University of Wollongong, Wollongong, NSW 2522, Australia
Beijing Institute of Spacecraft System Engineering, Beijing 100094, China
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The effect of grain boundary (GB) defects on the tribological properties of MoS2 has been investigated by molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. The GB defects-containing MoS2 during scratching process shows a lower critical breaking load than that of indentation process, owing to the combined effect of pushing and interlocking actions between the tip and MoS2 atoms. The wear resistance of MoS2 with GB defects is relevant to the misorientation angle due to the accumulation of long Mo-S bonds around the GBs. Weakening the adhesion strength between the MoS2 and substrate is an efficient way to improve the wear resistance of MoS2 with low-angle GBs.

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Pages 1198-1212
Cite this article:
WEI B, KONG N, ZHANG J, et al. A molecular dynamics study on the tribological behavior of molybdenum disulfide with grain boundary defects during scratching processes. Friction, 2021, 9(5): 1198-1212. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40544-020-0459-z
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