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Research Article | Open Access

Tribological behavior of co-textured cylinder liner-piston ring during running-in

Chenwei MIAO1,2Zhiwei GUO1,2( )Chengqing YUAN1,2
School of Energy and Power Engineering, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430063, China
Reliability Engineering Institute, National Engineering Research Center for Water Transportation Safety, Wuhan 430063, China
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The running-in of cylinder liner-piston rings (CLPRs) is the most important process that must be performed before a marine diesel engine can be operated. The quality of running-in directly affects the reliability of a CLPR. The surface texture of a CLPR has been proven to significantly affect its lubrication performance. In this study, the tribological behavior of a CLPR during running-in is investigated. Three types of surface textures are generated on the CLPR via laser processing: dimple texture on piston rings, groove texture on cylinder liners, and co-texture on both sides. Subsequently, a series of tests are performed on a slice tester. A load of 300 N (1.64 MPa) is applied, and two speeds (50 and 100 rpm) are adopted. The CLPR running-in quality is characterized based on three parameters, i.e., the friction coefficient, contact resistance, and wear topography. Experimental results show that, compared with a non-textured surface, the three types of surface textures mentioned above improved the friction performance during running-in. The lubricant supply capacity of the dimple texture on the piston ring, as a mobile oil reservoir, is stronger than that of the groove texture on the cylinder liner serving as a static oil reservoir. By contrast, the wear resistance of the dimple texture, as a movable debris trap on the piston ring, is weaker than that of the groove texture on the cylinder liner, which serves as a static debris trap. It is demonstrated that the co-texture combines the advantages of dimples and groove textures. Compared with non-textured surfaces, the friction coefficient decreased the most at 100 rpm (44.5%), and the contact resistance improved the most at 50 rpm (352.9%). The coupling effect provides the surface with improved running-in quality by optimizing the tribological performance, particularly at the dead center. This study provides guidance for the tribological design and manufacturing of CLPR in marine diesel engines.


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Pages 878-890
Cite this article:
MIAO C, GUO Z, YUAN C. Tribological behavior of co-textured cylinder liner-piston ring during running-in. Friction, 2022, 10(6): 878-890.








Web of Science






Received: 08 October 2019
Revised: 17 March 2020
Accepted: 29 January 2021
Published: 24 April 2021
© The author(s) 2021.

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