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The roughness of the contact surface exerts a vital role in rubbing. It is still a significant challenge to understand the microscopic contact of the rough surface at the atomic level. Herein, the rough surface with a special root mean square (RMS) value is constructed by multivariate Weierstrass–Mandelbrot (W–M) function and the rubbing process during that the chemical mechanical polishing (CMP) process of diamond is mimicked utilizing the reactive force field molecular dynamics (ReaxFF MD) simulation. It is found that the contact area A/A0 is positively related with the load, and the friction force F depends on the number of interfacial bridge bonds. Increasing the surface roughness will increase the friction force and friction coefficient. The model with low roughness and high lubrication has less friction force, and the presence of polishing liquid molecules can decrease the friction force and friction coefficient. The RMS value and the degree of damage show a functional relationship with the applied load and lubrication, i.e., the RMS value decreases more under larger load and higher lubrication, and the diamond substrate occurs severer damage under larger load and lower lubrication. This work will generate fresh insight into the understanding of the microscopic contact of the rough surface at the atomic level.
Web of Science
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