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Nano friction behaviour between magnetic materials and copper considering the inter-diffusion effect

Zilin LI1,2,3Lisha DOU1Shiyu YANG1Huajiang OUYANG4Qichen ZHU1Xiaoyang CHEN1Xin JIA1Shuaiwei DOU1Xiaolong CUI1Yudong ZHANG1,2,3Jingjiang QIU1,2,3Guochen QI1,2,3,5Bangbang NIE1,2,3Pan LIU1,2,3,5Ronghan WEI1,2,3,5( )
School of Mechanics and Safety Engineering, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450001, China
Engineering Technology Research Center of Henan Province for MEMS Manufacturing and Application, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450001, China
Institute of Intelligent Sensing, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450001, China
School of Engineering, University of Liverpool, Liverpool L69 3GH, UK
School of Cyber Science and Engineering & Hanwei Institute of Internet of Things, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450001, China
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Copper, permalloy, cobalt, and silicon are the materials that have been widely utilised in magnetic devices. When the size of interest is down to the nanoscale, the inter-diffusion between certain materials becomes influential. This paper studies the nanoscale friction characteristics between frictional pairs with and without inter-diffusion properties through the atomic force microscope. The distinct evolution features of nanoscale friction force when inter-diffusion is involved are discovered experimentally, which is also confirmed through theoretical analysis. Firstly, through the thin film deposition method, four pairs of contact materials (Cu–Ni81Fe19, Si–Ni81Fe19, Cu–Co, Cu–Si) are designed for friction tests, in which diffusion occurs at the interface of Cu–Ni81Fe19 pair. Then, the effects of sliding velocity and loading force on the nano friction of each pair are measured. It is found that regardless of the diffusion phenomenon: (1) the adhesion force values exhibit a notable correlation to the values of the friction force; (2) the friction force in all four material pairs consistently increases with the growth of the normal loading force, although the growth rate may differ. In terms of the sliding velocity effect, the friction forces of immiscible materials (Si–Ni81Fe19, Cu–Co, and Cu–Si) are found to increase with the increasing sliding velocity. However, the friction force of Cu–Ni81Fe19, decreases with the increasing sliding velocity. Furthermore, a compositive friction model considering both the velocity and the normal force effect was proposed, which shows good agreement with the experimental results and explains the nano friction behaviour of both miscible and immiscible metals.


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Pages 1532-1547
Cite this article:
LI Z, DOU L, YANG S, et al. Nano friction behaviour between magnetic materials and copper considering the inter-diffusion effect. Friction, 2024, 12(7): 1532-1547.








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Received: 27 June 2023
Revised: 02 September 2023
Accepted: 20 September 2023
Published: 08 February 2024
© The author(s) 2023.

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