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Research Article | Open Access

Semi-analytical calculation model for friction of polymers on the example of POM | PE-UHMW and steel | PE-UHMW

Professorship of Conveying Engineering and Materials Handling, Chemnitz University of Technology, Sachsen 09126, Germany
Institute of Plastics Engineering, Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, Darmstadt 64295, Germany
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In this paper, a semi-analytical calculation model for the coefficient of friction (COF) of single spherical protrusions is presented. It allows the prediction of the deformative friction part (μdef) and adhesive friction part (μadh) of the friction pairings steel | polyethylene with ultra-high molecular weight (PE-UHMW) and polyoxymethylene (POM) | PE-UHMW. The experimental studies included unlubricated friction tests, which served to determine the total COF (μtot), as well as tests being lubricated with silicone oil, from which μdef is obtained. Based on the verification tests, it could be shown that both states of lubrication result in the same deformation and that the relationship between the rear angle (ω) and μdef postulated in the calculation model is valid. Therefore, friction tests with segmented spheres were carried out, which allow a specific variation of the ω.

It can be concluded that for both pairings the μdef is generally of minor significance (approx. 1/3 μtot) and the influence of the μadh predominates (approx. 2/3 μtot) the friction process. Furthermore the μtot decreases with increasing contact pressure especially in the low pressure range and depends on the form of motion (continuous and discontinuous).


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Pages 2355-2369
Cite this article:
BERGMANN A, SUMPF J, DALLINGER N, et al. Semi-analytical calculation model for friction of polymers on the example of POM | PE-UHMW and steel | PE-UHMW. Friction, 2024, 12(10): 2355-2369.








Web of Science






Received: 02 June 2023
Revised: 06 November 2023
Accepted: 20 February 2024
Published: 29 July 2024
© The author(s) 2024.

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