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Research Article | Open Access

Controllable multi-domain semantic artwork synthesis

Department of Computer Science, University ofTsukuba, Tsukuba 305-8577, Japan
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Waseda University, Tokyo 169-8050, Japan
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We present a novel framework for the multi-domain synthesis of artworks from semantic layouts. One of the main limitations of this challenging task is the lack of publicly available segmentation datasets for art synthesis. To address this problem, we propose a dataset called ArtSem that contains 40,000 images of artwork from four different domains, with their corresponding semantic label maps. We first extracted semantic maps from landscape photography and used a conditional generative adversarial network (GAN)-based approach for generating high-quality artwork from semantic maps without requiring paired training data. Furthermore, we propose an artwork-synthesis model using domain-dependent variational encoders for high-quality multi-domain synthesis. Subsequently, the model was improved and complemented with a simple but effective normalization method based on jointly normalizing semantics and style, which we call spatially style-adaptive normalization (SSTAN). Compared to the previous methods, which only take semantic layout as the input, our model jointly learns style and semantic information representation, improving the generation quality of artistic images. These results indicate that our model learned to separate the domains in the latent space. Thus, we can perform fine-grained control of the synthesized artwork by identifying hyperplanes that separate the different domains. Moreover, by combining the proposed dataset and approach, we generated user-controllable artworks of higher quality than that of existing approaches, as corroborated by quantitative metrics and a user study.

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Computational Visual Media
Pages 355-373
Cite this article:
Huang Y, Iizuka S, Simo-Serra E, et al. Controllable multi-domain semantic artwork synthesis. Computational Visual Media, 2024, 10(2): 355-373.








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Received: 01 February 2023
Accepted: 08 May 2023
Published: 03 January 2024
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