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Research Article | Open Access

Visual attention network

Department of Computer Science, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
Nankai University, Tianjin, China
Fitten Tech, Beijing, China
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While originally designed for natural language processing tasks, the self-attention mechanism has recently taken various computer vision areas by storm. However, the 2D nature of images brings three challenges for applying self-attention in computer vision: (1) treating images as 1D sequences neglects their 2D structures; (2) the quadratic complexity is too expensive for high-resolution images; (3) it only captures spatial adaptability but ignores channel adaptability. In this paper, we propose a novel linear attention named large kernel attention (LKA) to enable self-adaptive and long-range correlations in self-attention while avoiding its shortcomings. Furthermore, we present a neural network based on LKA, namely Visual Attention Network (VAN). While extremely simple, VAN achieves comparable results with similar size convolutional neuralnetworks (CNNs) and vision transformers (ViTs) in various tasks, including image classification, object detection, semantic segmentation, panoptic segmentation,pose estimation, etc. For example, VAN-B6 achieves 87.8% accuracy on ImageNet benchmark, and sets new state-of-the-art performance (58.2% PQ) for panoptic segmentation. Besides, VAN-B2 surpasses Swin-T 4% mIoU (50.1% vs. 46.1%) for semantic segmentation on ADE20K benchmark, 2.6% AP (48.8% vs. 46.2%) for object detection on COCO dataset. It provides a novel method and a simple yet strong baseline for the community. The code is available at


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Computational Visual Media
Pages 733-752
Cite this article:
Guo M-H, Lu C-Z, Liu Z-N, et al. Visual attention network. Computational Visual Media, 2023, 9(4): 733-752.








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Received: 03 April 2023
Accepted: 28 June 2023
Published: 28 July 2023
© The Author(s) 2023.

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