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Research Article

Flow patterns and pressure gradient correlation for oil-water core- annular flow in horizontal pipes

Haili Hu1,2( )Jiaqiang Jing1,3( )Jiatong Tan1Guan Heng Yeoh2
State Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu 610500, China
School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia
Oil & Gas Fire Protection Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province, Chengdu 611731, China
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The water-lubricated transportation of heavy oil seems to be an attractive method for crude oil production with significant savings in pumping power. With oil surrounded by water along the pipe, oil-water core-annular flow forms. In this paper, the characteristics of oil-water core-annular flow in a horizontal acrylic pipe were investigated. Plexiglas pipes (internal diameter = 14 mm and length = 7.5 m) and two types of white oil (viscosity = 0.237 and 0.456 Pa·s) were used. Flow patterns were observed with a high-speed camera and rules of flow pattern transition were discussed. A pressure loss model was modified by changing the friction coefficient formula with empirical value added. Totally 224 groups of experimental data were used to evaluate pressure loss theoretical models. It was found the modified model has been improved significantly in terms of precision compared to the original one. With 87.4% of the data fallen within the deviation of ±15%, the new model performed best among the five models.


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Experimental and Computational Multiphase Flow
Pages 99-108
Cite this article:
Hu H, Jing J, Tan J, et al. Flow patterns and pressure gradient correlation for oil-water core- annular flow in horizontal pipes. Experimental and Computational Multiphase Flow, 2020, 2(2): 99-108.






Web of Science




Received: 10 May 2019
Revised: 03 July 2019
Accepted: 03 July 2019
Published: 11 October 2019
© Tsinghua University Press 2019