The primary objective of the current computational research is to provide open-source solvers for studying heat transfer through media having pore implants for one-phase and multi-phase flow. The new solvers are created with the OpenFOAM framework. The Darcy–Forchheimer model is used to simulate the flow through the media with pores. The interface for a two-phase flow is tracked using the VOF phase fraction technique. The energy equations of these solvers are used with the local thermal equilibrium model and phase change model to calculate heat transfer in the presence of a porous media. The recently created solutions are tested against benchmark situations for both flows. In further case studies, the compactness and porousness of the porous medium are varied to examine the features of heat transport in square channels. It is discovered that, as compared to a channel without a porous medium, the transfer rate for single-phase flow is increased by a factor of 10.4. According to the results of the two-phase study, as the porousness of the porous medium increases, the percentage of vapour concentration and heat transfer rates also increase for thickness (compactness) ratios
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