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Original Research | Open Access

Trash or treasure? A circular business model of recycling plasmix

Federico Ziliaa,b( )Francesca Gaia AndreottolaaLuigi OrsiaMarco ParoliniaJacopo Bacenettia
Department of Environmental Science and Policy, University of Milan, 20133 Milan, Italy
Department of Science, Technology and Society, IUSS - School for Advanced Studies, 27100 Pavia, Italy
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The production of plastic materials in the mid-20th century brought about transformative changes in consumer goods manufacturing and societal norms. However, this advancement paralleled an alarming surge in plastic pollution, driven by unrestrained consumption. This study focuses on the non-homogeneous and non-recyclable plastic waste (also known as plasmix in the Italian waste management), a residual blend resulting from plastic recycling processes. The main goals are to conduct an in-depth study of the plasmix landscape, to identify integration challenges, and to create a sustainable business model for broader adoption. Additionally, we aim to use life cycle assessment to examine the environmental effects of semi-finished plasmix-based materials that can be used to produce different products. This integrated approach ensures a holistic understanding of plasmix recycling, promoting both economic and environmental sustainability. The study contributes to sustainable waste management practices by offering a strategic approach to transform a challenging waste stream into economic opportunities. By addressing the market viability of plasmix-based products through an empirically supported business model, the research underscores the significance of recycling in mitigating plastic pollution and advancing a circular economy.



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Circular Economy
Cite this article:
Zilia F, Andreottola FG, Orsi L, et al. Trash or treasure? A circular business model of recycling plasmix. Circular Economy, 2024, 3(2): 100089.








Received: 20 December 2023
Revised: 08 March 2024
Accepted: 06 April 2024
Published: 01 June 2024
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