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Review | Open Access

Genomic selection methods for crop improvement: Current status and prospects

Xin Wanga,b,cYang XuaZhongli HucChenwu Xua,( )
Jiangsu Provincial Key Laboratory of Crop Genetics and Physiology/Co-Innovation Center for Modern Production Technology of Grain Crops/Key Laboratory of Plant Functional Genomics of Ministry of Education, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225009, Jiangsu, China
College of Information Engineering, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225009, Jiangsu, China
State Key Laboratory of Hybrid Rice, College of Life Sciences, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, Hubei, China

Peer review under responsibility of Crop Science Society of China and Institute of Crop Science, CAAS.

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With marker and phenotype information from observed populations, genomic selection (GS) can be used to establish associations between markers and phenotypes. It aims to use genome-wide markers to estimate the effects of all loci and thereby predict the genetic values of untested populations, so as to achieve more comprehensive and reliable selection and to accelerate genetic progress in crop breeding. GS models usually face the problem that the number of markers is much higher than the number of phenotypic observations. To overcome this issue and improve prediction accuracy, many models and algorithms, including GBLUP, Bayes, and machine learning have been employed for GS. As hot issues in GS research, the estimation of non-additive genetic effects and the combined analysis of multiple traits or multiple environments are also important for improving the accuracy of prediction. In recent years, crop breeding has taken advantage of the development of GS. The principles and characteristics of current popular GS methods and research progress in these methods for crop improvement are reviewed in this paper.

The Crop Journal
Pages 330-340
Cite this article:
Wang X, Xu Y, Hu Z, et al. Genomic selection methods for crop improvement: Current status and prospects. The Crop Journal, 2018, 6(4): 330-340.








Web of Science






Received: 04 February 2018
Revised: 25 March 2018
Accepted: 09 April 2018
Published: 15 April 2018
© 2018 Crop Science Society of China and Institute of Crop Science, CAAS.

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