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Short Communication | Open Access

Elite, transformable haploid inducers in maize

Brent DelzeraDawei LiangbDavid SzwerdszarfcIsadora RodriguezcGonzalo MardonesdSivamani ElumalaieFrancine JohnsoneSamson NalapallieRachel EggereErin BurcheKerry MeiereJuan WeibXiujuan ZhangbHuaping GuibHuaibing JinbHuan GuobKun YubYubo LiubBecky BreitingereAna PoetsfJason NicholseWan ShibDavid SkibbeeQiudeng QueeTimothy Kellihere( )
Seeds Development, Syngenta Seeds, Janesville, WI 53546, USA
Seeds Research, Syngenta Biotechnology China Co., Ltd., Beijing 102206, China
Centro de Investigación de Cultivos Arica, Syngenta R&D, Arica 1000000, Chile
Syngenta S.A., Proyecto la Soledad, Graneros 2880000, Chile
Seeds Research, Syngenta Crop Protection LLC, RTP, NC 27709, USA
Seeds Development, Syngenta Seeds, Slater, IA 50244, USA
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The introduction of alleles into commercial crop breeding pipelines is both time consuming and costly. Two technologies that are disrupting traditional breeding processes are doubled haploid (DH) breeding and genome editing (GE). Recently, these techniques were combined into a GE trait delivery system called HI-Edit (Haploid Inducer-Edit) [1]. In HI-Edit, the pollen of a haploid inducer line is reprogrammed to deliver GE traits to any variety, obviating recurrent selection. For HI-Edit to operate at scale, an efficient transformable HI line is needed, but most maize varieties are recalcitrant to transformation, and haploid inducers are especially difficult to transform given their aberrant reproductive behaviors. Leveraging marker assisted selection and a three-tiered testing scheme, we report the development of new Iodent and Stiff Stalk maize germplasm that are transformable, have high haploid induction rates, and exhibit a robust, genetically-dominant anthocyanin native trait that may be used for rapid haploid identification. We show that transformation of these elite ‘‘HI-Edit” lines is enhanced using the BABYBOOM and WUSCHEL morphogenetic factors. Finally, we evaluate the HI-Edit performance of one of the lines against both Stiff Stalk and non-Stiff Stalk testers. The strategy and results of this study should facilitate the development of commercially scalable HI-Edit systems in diverse crops.

The Crop Journal
Pages 314-319
Cite this article:
Delzer B, Liang D, Szwerdszarf D, et al. Elite, transformable haploid inducers in maize. The Crop Journal, 2024, 12(1): 314-319.








Web of Science






Received: 07 September 2023
Revised: 29 October 2023
Accepted: 31 October 2023
Published: 21 December 2023
© 2023 Crop Science Society of China and Institute of Crop Science, CAAS.

This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
