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Effect of variable-angle trajectory structure on mechanical performance of CF/PEEK laminates made by robotic fiber placement

Shouzheng SUNa,bHaiyang MEIa()Yang WANGaJiahai ZHANGa,cZhenyu HANaJinglan GUOd
State Key Laboratory of Robotics and System, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, China
Wuhu Robot Technology Research Institute, Harbin Institute of Technology, Wuhu 241000, China
Shanghai Spaceflight Precision Machinery Institute, Shanghai 201600, China
School of Mechanical and Power Engineering, Harbin University of Science and Technology, Harbin 150080, China

Peer review under responsibility of Editorial Committee of CJA.

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In comparison to the traditional fixed-angle trajectory, the variable-angle trajectory has a greater design space. However, it is a challenge to determine which common design curve structure is the most effective for improving mechanical performance. This work explores the effects of various design curves such as fixed-angle curve, linear curve, arc curve, sine curve, Bezier curve, and cubic polynomial curve trajectories on mechanical performance of laminates, including vibration modal performance and buckling performance. Genetic algorithm and improved NSGA-II algorithm are then used to optimize various curve structures. The results are confirmed utilizing thermoplastic Carbon Fiber (CF)/Polyether-Ether-Ketone (PEEK) laminates made by robotic fiber placement experiments. The relationship model between different mechanical performance and curve design variables is established. The optimization of variable-angle structure with mechanical properties as input variables is achieved. Meanwhile, a full-process angle-variable laying software platform from trajectory planning (CAD), trajectory optimization to manufacturing (CAM) is developed for facilitating the fiber placement application.



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Chinese Journal of Aeronautics
Pages 336-356
Cite this article:
SUN S, MEI H, WANG Y, et al. Effect of variable-angle trajectory structure on mechanical performance of CF/PEEK laminates made by robotic fiber placement. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 2022, 35(12): 336-356.
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