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Full Length Article | Open Access

Spatial transformation of general sampling-aliasing frequency region for rotating-blade parameter identification with emphasis on single-probe blade tip-timing measurement

Jiahui CAOa,Zhibo YANGa( )Guangrong TENGbShaohua TIANbGuoyong YEcXuefeng CHENa
School of Mechanical Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049, China
Sichuan Gas Turbine Establishment Aero Engine Corporation of China, Mianyang 621000, China
College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Zhengzhou University of Light Industry, Zhengzhou 450002, China

Peer review under responsibility of Editorial Committee of CJA.

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Blade-health monitoring is intensely required for turbomachinery because of the high failure risk of rotating blades. Blade-Tip Timing (BTT) is considered as the most promising technique for operational blade-vibration monitoring, which obtains the parameters that characterize the blade condition from recorded signals. However, its application is hindered by severe undersampling and stringent probe layouts. An inappropriate probe layout can make most of the existing methods invalid or inaccurate. Additionally, a general conflict arises between the allowed and required layouts because of arrangement restrictions. For the sake of economy and safety, parameter identification based on fewer probes has been preferred by users. In this work, a spatial-transformation-based method for parameter identification is proposed based on a single-probe BTT measurement. To present the general Sampling-Aliasing Frequency (SAFE) map definition, the traditional time–frequency analysis methods are extended to a time-sampling frequency. Then, a SAFE map is projected onto a parameter space using spatial transformation to extract the slope and intercept parameters, which can be physically interpreted as an engine order and a natural frequency using coordinate transformation. Finally, the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed method are verified by simulations and experiments under uniformly and nonuniformly variable speed conditions.



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Cao JH, Yang ZB, Li HQ, et al. Rotating blade frequency identification by single-probe blade tip timing. Mech Syst Signal Process 2022;172 108961.

Chinese Journal of Aeronautics
Pages 220-240
Cite this article:
CAO J, YANG Z, TENG G, et al. Spatial transformation of general sampling-aliasing frequency region for rotating-blade parameter identification with emphasis on single-probe blade tip-timing measurement. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 2023, 36(3): 220-240.






Web of Science




Received: 22 February 2022
Revised: 05 June 2022
Accepted: 21 June 2022
Published: 15 October 2022
© 2022 Chinese Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics.

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