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Development of a deviation package method for low-cost robust optimization in compressor blade design

Mingzhi LIaXianjun YUa,b( )Dejun MENGcGuangfeng ANa,bBaojie LIUa,b
Research Institute of Aero-Engine, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China
National Key Laboratory of Science & Technology on Aero-Engine Aero-Thermodynamics, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China
AECC Shenyang Engine Research Institute, Shenyang 110015, China
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Manufacture variations can greatly increase the performance variability of compressor blades. Current robust design optimization methods have a critical role in reducing the adverse impact of the variations, but can be affected by errors if the assumptions of the deviation models and distribution parameters are inaccurate. A new approach for robust design optimization without the employment of the deviation models is proposed. The deviation package method and the interval estimation method are exploited in this new approach. Simultaneously, a stratified strategy is used to reduce the computational cost and assure the optimization accuracy. The test case employed for this study is a typical transonic compressor blade profile, which resembles most of the manufacture features of modern compressor blades. A set of 96 newly manufactured blades was measured using a coordinate measurement machine to obtain the manufacture variations and produce a deviation package. The optimization results show that the scatter of the aerodynamic performance for the optimal robust design is 20% less than the baseline value. By comparing the optimization results obtained from the deviation package method with those obtained from widely-used methods employing the deviation model, the efficiency and accuracy of the deviation package method are demonstrated. Finally, the physical mechanisms that control the robustness of different designs were further investigated, and some statistical laws of robust design were extracted.


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Chinese Journal of Aeronautics
Pages 166-180
Cite this article:
LI M, YU X, MENG D, et al. Development of a deviation package method for low-cost robust optimization in compressor blade design. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 2024, 37(4): 166-180.






Web of Science




Received: 13 April 2023
Revised: 15 May 2023
Accepted: 03 July 2023
Published: 20 December 2023
© 2023 Chinese Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics.

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