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Early response of understory vegetation to the mass dieback of Norway spruce in the European lowland temperate forest

Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies, University of Warsaw, Poland
Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
Institute of Forest Sciences, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Poland
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Spruce-dominated forests are commonly exposed to disturbances associated with mass occurrences of bark beetles. The dieback of trees triggers many physical and chemical processes in the ecosystem resulting in rapid changes in the vegetation of the lower forest layers. We aimed to determine the response of non-tree understory vegetation to the mass dieback of Norway spruce (Picea abies) in the first years after the disturbance caused by the European spruce bark beetle (Ips typographus) outbreak. Our study area was the Białowieża Biosphere Reserve covering the Polish part of the emblematic Białowieża Forest, in total 597 ​km2. The main data source comprised 3,900 phytosociological relevés (combined spring and summer campaigns) collected from 1,300 systematically distributed forest sites in 2016–2018 – the peak years of the bark beetle outbreak. We found that the understory responded immediately to mass spruce dieback, with the most pronounced changes observed in the year of the disturbance and the subsequent year. Shade-tolerant forest species declined in the initial years following the mass spruce dieback, while hemicryptophytes, therophytes, light-demanding species associated with non-forest semi-natural communities, as well as water-demanding forest species, expanded. Oxalis acetosella, the most common understory species in the Białowieża Forest, showed a distinct fluctuation pattern, with strong short-term expansion right after spruce dieback, followed by a gradual decline over the next 3–4 years to a cover level 5 percentage points lower than before the disturbance. Thus, our study revealed that mass spruce dieback selectively affects individual herb species, and their responses can be directional and non-directional (fluctuation). Furthermore, we demonstrated that the mass dieback of spruce temporarily increases plant species diversity (α-diversity).



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Forest Ecosystems
Article number: 100177
Cite this article:
Matuszkiewicz JM, Affek AN, Zaniewski P, et al. Early response of understory vegetation to the mass dieback of Norway spruce in the European lowland temperate forest. Forest Ecosystems, 2024, 11(2): 100177.








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Received: 23 November 2023
Revised: 11 February 2024
Accepted: 12 February 2024
Published: 15 February 2024
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