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Research Article | Open Access

Seabuckthorn juice alleviates allergic symptoms in shrimp-induced food allergy mice

Hong Rena,1Xiaofan Zhua,1Shiyu ZhaiaXiaoping FengaZhuomin YanaJiao SunbYe LiucZhenpeng GaoaFangyu Longa( )
College of Food Science and Engineering, Northwest A&F University, Yangling 712100, China
Department of Breast Surgery, The Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao University, Qingdao 266000, China
China-Canada Joint Laboratory of Food Nutrition and Health (Beijing), Beijing Technology & Business University, Beijing 100048, China

1 These authors contributed equally.Peer review under responsibility of KeAi Communications Co., Ltd.]]>

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Tropomyosin (TM) in shrimp is one of the predominant causes of food allergy around the world. In the present study, the effect of seabuckthorn juice against TM -induced shrimp allergy was investigated in BALB/c mice. Allergic symptoms, spleen index, intestinal section and diarrhea were measured in shrimp allergy mice. As the results, seabuckthorn juice suppressed the lesions in jejunum tissue, diarrhea and allergic symptoms in shrimp allergy mice. Seabuckthorn juice also reduced serum concentrations of tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) as well as immunoglobulin E (IgE) and stimulated the secretion of interleukin-10 (IL-10) in mice with shrimp allergy. Taken together, our findings suggest that increased IL-10 by seabuckthorn juice inhibits Th2 cytokine production to suppress shrimp allergic symptoms. Furthermore, seabuckthorn juice also regulates shrimp allergy by reducing jejunum lesions, inhibiting levels of TNF-α and IgE.



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Food Science and Human Wellness
Pages 783-788
Cite this article:
Ren H, Zhu X, Zhai S, et al. Seabuckthorn juice alleviates allergic symptoms in shrimp-induced food allergy mice. Food Science and Human Wellness, 2023, 12(3): 783-788.








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Received: 28 December 2020
Revised: 28 February 2021
Accepted: 03 June 2021
Published: 15 October 2022
© 2023 Beijing Academy of Food Sciences. Publishing services by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi Communications Co., Ltd.

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