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Harvest and Postharvest Factors Affecting Bruise Damage of Fresh Fruits

Zaharan HusseinaOlaniyi A. FawolebUmezuruike Linus Oparaa,b,( )
Postharvest Technology Research Laboratory, South African Research Chair in Postharvest Technology, Department of Food Science, Faculty of AgriSciences, Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch 7602, South Africa
Postharvest Technology Research Laboratory, South African Research Chair in Postharvest Technology, Department of Horticultural Science, Faculty of AgriSciences, Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch 7602, South Africa

Peer review under responsibility of Chinese Society for Horticultural Science (CSHS) and Institute of Vegetables and Flowers (IVF), Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS)

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Fresh fruits are susceptible to bruising, a common type of mechanical damage during harvest and at all stages of postharvest handling. In quest of developing and adoption of strategies to reduce bruise damage, it is of utmost importance to understand major factors influencing bruise susceptibility of fresh produce at these stages. This review presents a critical discussion of factors affecting bruising during harvest and postharvest handling of fresh fruits. Excessive compression forces during harvesting by handpicking or machines, and a series of impacts during harvesting, transport and packhouse operations can cause severe bruise damage. The review has further revealed that bruising is dependent on a number of other factors such as produce maturity, ripening, harvest time (during the day or season) and time lapse after harvest. The susceptibility to bruising is partly dependent on how these factors alter the produce physiological and biochemical properties, and the environmental conditions such as temperature, humidity and several other postharvest treatments. Hence, the successful applications of harvesting techniques by use of trained personnel and proper harvesting equipment are essential to reduce both the incidence and severity of bruising. Furthermore, the careful selection of postharvest handling temperature and other treatments can increase resistance of fresh produce to bruise damage.



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Horticultural Plant Journal
Pages 1-13
Cite this article:
Hussein Z, Fawole OA, Opara UL. Harvest and Postharvest Factors Affecting Bruise Damage of Fresh Fruits. Horticultural Plant Journal, 2020, 6(1): 1-13.








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Received: 04 April 2019
Revised: 11 June 2019
Accepted: 27 July 2019
Published: 04 September 2019
© 2019 Chinese Society for Horticultural Science (CSHS) and Institute of Vegetables and Flowers (IVF), Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS).

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