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A novel single-base mutation in CaSGR1 confers the stay-green phenotype in pepper

Yuhua Liua,dLijun OucZhoubin LiucJunheng LyubJing WangbJingshuang SongbBozhi YangcWenchao ChenbSha YangbWei Liua( )Xuexiao Zouc,d( )Zhuqing Zhangb( )
College of Life Sciences and Environment, Hengyang Normal University, Hengyang, Henan 421008, China
Vegetable Institution of Hunan Academy of Agricultural Science, Changsha, Hunan 410125, China
College of Horticulture, Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha, Hunan 410128, China
Longping Branch, Graduate School of Hunan University, Changsha, Hunan 410125, China

Peer review under responsibility of Chinese Society for Horticultural Science (CSHS) and Institute of Vegetables and Flowers (IVF), Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS)

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The stay-green trait is of considerable importance in extending the shelf life of green pepper fruit (Capsicum annuum L.) and in enhancing the appearance of ornamental plants. The study revealed the genetic and regulatory mechanisms of the stay-green trait in pepper, which will aid in the selection of ornamental pepper varieties. In this study, a pepper mutant with stay-green fruit named TNX348 was identified from a germplasm resource bank. Two segregating populations were constructed using the stay-green mutant TNX348 and then used in bulked segregant analysis combined with RNA sequencing and linkage analyses. The causal gene of the stay-green trait was mapped to an approximately 131-kb region, and a senescence-induced chloroplast protein gene, CaSGR1 (Capana01g000359), was identified as a candidate gene. Sequencing analysis revealed a G→A single-base mutation of CaSGR1 in TNX348 that led to early termination of translation. Based on the single-base mutation, a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) marker co-segregating with the stay-green trait was developed. Furthermore, in transcriptome analysis, expression patterns of 11 hormone transduction-related transcription factors, such as abscisic acid-insensitive (ABI), abscisic acid-responsive element-binding factor (ABF), and NAC transcription factor, were similar or opposite to that of CaSGR1. The results indicated that the transcription factors might mediate chlorophyll degradation by regulating the expression of CaSGR1.



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Horticultural Plant Journal
Pages 293-305
Cite this article:
Liu Y, Ou L, Liu Z, et al. A novel single-base mutation in CaSGR1 confers the stay-green phenotype in pepper. Horticultural Plant Journal, 2023, 9(2): 293-305.








Web of Science






Received: 28 October 2021
Revised: 26 November 2021
Accepted: 16 February 2022
Published: 06 April 2022
© 2023 Chinese Society for Horticultural Science (CSHS) and Institute of Vegetables and Flowers (IVF), Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS).

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