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Prognostic role of selection criteria for liver transplantation in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma: Review and bibliometric

Pamela Scarlett Espinoza Loyolaa,c,d,e( )Diana Laura Muratalla BautistaaKaren Adela Hernández BautistaaElizabeth Gil WhitebJosé Antonio González MorenocDaniel Angel Torres del RealcVíctor Manuel Páez ZayasdCarla Escorza-MolinaeFernando Mondragón RodríguezcOmar Vásquez GómezcLuis Jorge Fernández LópezcPaul Santiago Mogrovejo VázquezcIsidoro Aczel Sánchez-CedillocVíctor Jose Visag Castilloc
Social Service Internship, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City 04510, Mexico
Social Service Internship, Universidad Anahuac, Mexico City 04510, Mexico
Department of Surgery Division of Transplantation Surgery, Hospital General de México, Mexico City 06720, Mexico
Departament of Gastroenterology, Division of Hepatology, Hospital General de México, Mexico City 06720, Mexico
Departmanet of Anesthesiology, Hospital General de México, Mexico City 06720, Mexico
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Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is one of the most common cancers in the world and is one of the leading indications for liver transplantation, liver transplantation is the gold standard treatment for end stage liver disease. Diagnosis is based up on radiological characteristics and rarely biopsy results. However treatment must be individualized to each patient to improve recurrences and outcomes. In this article, we focus on the different selection criteria for liver transplantation. This study aimed to investigate the distribution laws and research frontiers of international literature, so as to present holistic bibliometric evaluation of the studies on 5-year survival and disease-free recurrence in 5 years, according to hepatocarcinoma criteria for liver transplantation. The paper aims to review and analyze 5-year survival and disease-free recurrence based on hepatocarcinoma criteria for liver transplantation. It systematically examines and summarizes distribution characteristics and research frontiers through bibliometric analysis. A bibliographic search was implemented in PubMed/Medline, Clinical Key, Science Direct and Index Medicus with MESH terms, from the year 1996–2022. Patients selected for transplantation using the Metroticket 2.0 (MT2) criteria had the highest overall survival along with patients selected for transplantation using the Milan Criteria had the best 5-year disease-free recurrence. The Metroticket 2.0 criteria (MT2) and Milan Criteria (MC) have shown the most favorable post-transplant outcomes for patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). However, MC demonstrated the best 5-year disease-free recurrence rate, underscoring the significance of taking into account tumor morphology and biology when determining the eligibility of HCC patients for liver transplantation. The distribution characteristics and research frontiers by bibliometrics concerning prognostic role of selection criteria for liver transplantation in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma the collaborations are sufficient to reach a consensus that the Milan criteria are the best criteria.



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Cite this article:
Espinoza Loyola PS, Muratalla Bautista DL, Hernández Bautista KA, et al. Prognostic role of selection criteria for liver transplantation in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma: Review and bibliometric. iLIVER, 2024, 3(1).






Received: 23 September 2023
Revised: 29 November 2023
Accepted: 03 December 2023
Published: 06 February 2023
© 2024 The Author(s). Tsinghua University Press.

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