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Research Article | Open Access

In-situ construction of hybrid artificial SEI with fluorinated siloxane to enable dendrite-free Li metal anodes

Lei Weia,bZhaoqing Jina,b( )Jianhao Lua,bYang Guob,cZilong Wanga,bGaoping Caoa,bJingyi Qiua,bAnbang Wanga,b( )Weikun Wanga,b( )
State Key Laboratory of NBC Protection for Civilian, Beijing, 102205, China
Research Institute of Chemical Defense, Beijing, 100191, China
Beijing Key Laboratory of Electrochemical Process and Technology for Materials, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing, 100029, China
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Lithium (Li) metal anode holds great promise for high-energy-density rechargeable batteries. However, it suffers from the Li dendrites growth and uncontrollable side reactions with electrolyte due to the unstable solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) layer. Herein, we propose a facile strategy for the in-situ fabricate of organic-inorganic composite artificial SEI layers on Li surfaces, which consist of organic fluorinated siloxane and inorganic LiF-rich phases. The hybrid artificial SEI endows high mechanical strength (13.1 GPa) and Li+ transfer number (0.62). Such robust SEI protective layers can not only guide uniform nucleation and deposition of Li metal by facilitating uniform Li-ion distribution, but also prevent unfavourable side reactions. Accordingly, the protected metallic lithium anode (PMTFPS-Li) anode enables stable Li plating/stripping performance in symmetric cells for more than 300 h at 4 mA ·h/cm2 under a high areal capacity of 4 mA/cm2. Moreover, the PMTFPS-Li/S cells could maintain more than 300 stable cycles at 0.5C and the PMTFPS-Li/LFP cells present excellent cycling performance (400 cycles at 1C) and enhanced rate capability (110.4 mA·h/g at 3 C). This work will inspire the design of artificial SEI on Li anodes for advanced Li metal batteries.



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Journal of Materiomics
Pages 318-327
Cite this article:
Wei L, Jin Z, Lu J, et al. In-situ construction of hybrid artificial SEI with fluorinated siloxane to enable dendrite-free Li metal anodes. Journal of Materiomics, 2023, 9(2): 318-327.






Web of Science




Received: 12 September 2022
Accepted: 22 September 2022
Published: 29 October 2022
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