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Research Article | Open Access

Stress-induced tailoring of energy storage properties in lead-free Ba0.85Ca0.15Zr0.1Ti0.9O3 ferroelectric bulk ceramics

Juliana G. Maier( )Ahmed GadelmawlaNeamul H. KhansurKyle G. Webber
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Friedrich-Alexander-Universitat Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU), Martensstraße 5, 91058, Erlangen, Germany
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In this study, the stress-modulated energy storage properties of lead-free polycrystalline Ba0.85Ca0.15Zr0.1Ti0.9O3 was investigated as a function of temperature from 25 ℃ to 55 ℃. The externally applied uniaxial compressive stress of −160 MPa increased the recoverable energy storage density by 226% to a maximum value of 274 mJ/cm3, in addition to enhancing the energy storage efficiency by approximately 10% to a value of 88.2%. The macroscopic mechanical constitutive behavior is presented as well as the stress-dependent dielectric and ferroelectric properties and the Rayleigh behavior in order to elucidate the effect of stress on the energy storage properties. Importantly, the stress-induced tailoring of energy storage performance can be utilized for other nonlinear dielectric ceramics to tune their extrinsic polarization mechanisms to significantly enhance the recoverable energy density and reduce the hysteretic losses.


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Journal of Materiomics
Pages 673-682
Cite this article:
Maier JG, Gadelmawla A, Khansur NH, et al. Stress-induced tailoring of energy storage properties in lead-free Ba0.85Ca0.15Zr0.1Ti0.9O3 ferroelectric bulk ceramics. Journal of Materiomics, 2023, 9(4): 673-682.






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Received: 14 November 2022
Revised: 27 December 2022
Accepted: 31 December 2022
Published: 10 February 2023
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