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Research Article | Open Access

Nonlinear optical response of niobium telluride and its application for demonstrating pulsed fiber lasers

Xinxin ShangaYule ZhangbTuo LicHuanian ZhangdXiaofeng ZoucS. WageheAhmed A. Al-GhamdieHan Zhangb,( )Shuhao Sia( )Dengwang Lia( )
Shandong Province Key Laboratory of Medical Physics and Image Processing Technology, Shandong Provincial Key Laboratory of Optics and Photonic Device, School of Physics and Electronics, Shandong Normal University, Jinan, 250014, China
Institute of Microscale Optoelectronics, College of Physics and Optoelectronic Engineering, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen, 518060, China
Shandong Yunhai Guochuang Cloud Computing Equipment Industry Innovation Co., Ltd., Jinan, Shandong, China
School of Physics and Optoelectronic Engineering, Shandong University of Technology, Zibo, 255049, China
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, 21589, Saudi Arabia

Peer review under responsibility of The Chinese Ceramic Society.

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Niobium telluride (NbTe2), a kind of few-layer two-dimensional (2D) transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) material, has been theoretically predicted with nonlinear absorption properties and excellent optical response. Herein, we experimentally demonstrated an Er-doped fiber (EDF) laser based NbTe2 as saturable absorber (SA). Few-layer NbTe2 nanosheets were successfully prepared by adopting the commonly used liquid-phase exfoliation (LPE) method. The nonlinear optical response of highly stable few-layer NbTe2 was investigated through an open-aperture Z-scan laser measurement, the nonlinear absorption coefficient was 2.45 × 10−11 m/W. Both Q-switched and mode-locked operation centered at 1 559 nm were recorded based on NbTe2 SA. The pulse duration was varied from 4.88 μs to 1.75 μs, and the adjustable range of repetition frequency is changed from 44.01 kHz to 64.12 kHz in passively Q-switched operation. Furthermore, a constant repetition rate of 5.33 MHz and pulse width of 2.67 ps were observed in mode-locked operation. Our experimental results fully reveal the nonlinear optical properties of NbTe2 used in pulsed fiber lasers and broaden its ultrafast applications in the optics field.



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Journal of Materiomics
Pages 355-365
Cite this article:
Shang X, Zhang Y, Li T, et al. Nonlinear optical response of niobium telluride and its application for demonstrating pulsed fiber lasers. Journal of Materiomics, 2024, 10(2): 355-365.






Web of Science




Received: 28 February 2023
Revised: 14 May 2023
Accepted: 31 May 2023
Published: 05 July 2023
© 2023 The Authors.

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